The Beginner’s Guide to Pricing Your Freelance Business (+ Word-for-Word Scripts Anyone Can Use)

A lot of new freelancers get hung up on pricing. Should I charge hourly? Or by the project? Is this too much? Am I really worth that much? Relax. Today, I’m going to give you a system for pricing your freelance business. It’ll take you from getting your first client to raising your rates so […]

Overcome Your Fear of Selling to Make 6 Figures a Year

If the idea of selling something seems terrifying, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs and business owners starting out feeling the same way. They think: “I don’t want to annoy people.” “Will my readers think I’m only after money?” “Why would anyone want to buy from me?” Even some of our most successful Zero to Launch graduates used […]

Why You’re so Afraid to Launch — And How to Overcome Your Fears

But that first launch taught me a lot about marketing, pricing, and positioning. Later, I applied those lessons when I sold products for $1,000, $2,000, and even $12,000. Today’s question is from Wendy. She asks: “Do you have any advice for those of us who struggle to launch something out of fear of having […]

How an app developer learned the secret to creating successful products online

About Matteo:A 35-year-old software developer from Amsterdam, Matteo is the founder of iOS Foundations. He wanted to learn how to start an online business because he was tired of spending months and months (and countless hours) developing products that nobody was buying. How he used Zero to Launch:Matteo’s background in computer science lead him to believe […]

From $4.95 to 7 figures: The real math of how do websites make money (and how you can, too)

The first product I sold from my site was a $4.95 ebook called Ramit’s 2007 Guide to Kicking Ass. It’s pretty embarrassing to look at now, but from those modest beginnings I’ve grown IWT into a multi-million dollar business. It’s not magic. It’s math. Now, I’m going to pull back the curtain on how websites make money, using […]